Monday, 14 June 2010

A week to go

Well, I leave in exactly one week on my three month sabbatical. The intention of which is to visit as many places in Britain as possible on my Royal Enfield Bullet 350.

Still got a lot of sorting out to do, I'm not packed, the bike isn't ready and I haven't really planned where I'm going first.

This is all good though. I'm not trying to plan too far ahead, this is supposed to be relaxing.

The bike is coming on in leaps and bounds though. I've done a load of work on it with the intent of making it more reliable. Mostly this has involved taking stuff off which wasn't part of the original design.

I'm particularly pleased with my luggage system. I've fitted a single seat and some replica British Army pannier racks. Where the pillion seat was, I've attached a wooden shelf for my dry bags.

I just had to fit a £100 chain to this bike at the weekend because mine snapped and it was the only one in the shop. As someone commented, I'd better chain it up or someone will steal the chain and leave the bike.

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