Thursday, 2 September 2010

Not postd for a while due to a poor signal. Been all over the place in Devon, Cornwall and hartfordshire, currently camped up in East Sussex. I visited the church of John the Baptist which was built by an opium smoking minister who used to bury shipwrecked soldiers and had a wander round the Shipwreck heritage centre.

The "put on" and "take off" stones in St Ive were a pain to find. Apparently where you had to take an extra horse on to pull your cart up a hill.

Pirates graveyard at Portland Bill, a Roman coffin and a wooden tollbride finish off the list. laptop battery is very low so I'll dump the rest of my pictures and log out.

I'm going to go to the kent Chopper Club rally for the weekend, just have a few (3 or4) landmarks to do after that.

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