Thursday, 1 July 2010

Didn't do any checkpoints yesterday. Went over to see mouse in Newport for a catch up. His Diesel bike looks like it'll be quite a machine when he gets all the running problems sorted out. Checked the head nuts on the Enfield. As well i did because oe of them was pretty loose. It's done 1000miles since the rebuild. I'm going to have to do an oil change at some point this week.

Did the Usk checkpoint, stone comemmorating St david lewis. As far as i can make out, there are three. A memorial stone, a stone marking the site of his execution and his actual tomb. Not clear which is his tomb so i photographed all the likely looking ones in the yard.

I only have two checkpoints to do in Wales and i'm camped up pretty near both of them. West of England tomorrow.

This posting will be late because there is not reception where I'm camped. I'll need to stop for some McBroadband tomorrow.

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