Well, after the incessant dunking I got in Braemar, it turned into a fantastic day for a motorbike ride. That's Scotland for you. I really do think it is the most beautiful country in the world when it chooses to show itself off.
After getting a picture of the church and standing stone at Spittal of Glenshee, I headed on up to Glen Lyon off Loch Tay. Probably the most scenic campsite I know of. The river got up a bit through the night which taught me a lesson about camping on islands (as in, just because you got on it with dry feet, doesn't mean you'll get off it the same way. No risk of it flooding totally mind, it's as high as the road but the convenient stepping stones landed up under 8" of water come morning).
Went on over to Dumbarton the next morning to get a picture of the overtoun dog suicide bridge. Inexplicably, a large number of dogs have jumped off this bridge over the years, it's a 60 foot drop. There have been several theories as to why but nothng conclusive.
Got myself a bit hot and bothered trying to find my way through Glasgow, it's a bit of a jungle and i landed up going through the Clyde tunnel which means I went badly wrong somewhere. That's the trouble with the M8 though, it has a tendancy to spit you off somewhere unintended if you aren't paying 100% attention to the signs.
I'm in Edinburgh for a few days now, got my 10 year college reunion tonight which should be entertaining. I need to go out shopping because it's black tie and I just have bike gear. I'll cobble together something respectable looking from the charity shops in Edinburgh though.
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