Monday, 5 July 2010

Well, that was a thoroughly relaxing stay at the hostel. They even sold local cider. Changed days, i remember when being caught with alcohol in a YHA hostel would have seen you out on your ear! Very handy for the forest and canoeing, may well have to come back some time.
hostel website

Todays checkpoint was tricky. The roundhouse is a private dwelling ad there was nowhere to get parked and have a decent view of it. Got it sorted in the end though.

Changed the oil on the Enfield today. Dropped it outside a civic amenities site. They are the same the country over. I was informed that there was no way I could walk in with my tub of used sump oil. I had to decant it into the old bottle, get on the motorbike and ride the 20 yards between the front gate and the oil disposal tank, where I then tipped it in and threw away the bottle before getting back on the bike and riding out again. I have taken a picture, the oil disposal bin is to the left of the picture with a number 5 over it. No ay on earth was he going to let me walk from the gate to there.

I'm stayin on one of the camping and caravan clubs own sites at Chipping Norton tonight. It's very pleasant, surrounded by trees. Off into Worcester tomrrow. the landmark may be a bit tricky to locate as it's in the grounds of the cathedral.

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