As you will be able to see from two of these pictures, it totally pissed it down in Lincolnshire. The guinea pig club was quite interesting, members were burned airmen who'd been operated on twice by a pioneering plastic surgeon after WW2. Difficult to find the site though as they'd dumped a whole townsworth of new housing on the site of the original estate, no shops, no infrastructure, just acres of distressingly similar and expensive looking clone houses. I suspect they come with a silver vauxhaull vectra to park in the drive and it'll be written in the deeds that you have to wash it every sunday, after mowing the lawn and before fiddling with the satellite dish.
Anyway, synicism aside for a moment, it faired up the next day so a trip a bit further North for an 80th birthday party, all very sociable and I hope I'm as with it at that age (or even still here!)
Next a trip down into Norfolk. In hindsight, taking the costal road was a bad idea but i got here eventually, making lots of loud British motorcycle exhaust noises passing through all the small villages.
I'm camped up on a club site near Cromer. It had been my intention to go for a wander about and buy one of the famous dressed crabs for my tea. In relity it is currently my worst nightmare of lots of English people on their summer holidays at the seaside complete with screaming kids, stroppy sweary grannies in wheelchairs and bickering parents. In, photo, out!
I'm going to have to try to avoid the club sites for the duration of the school holidays, they've bumped the prices about 30% and they're getting crowded. I reckon looking for the smaller sites with limited facilities is the way to go. It's currently the antithesis of what I consider to be camping, house sized tent, TV on inside it, 2.4 children, small yappy dog and big fat wifies with sunburn, loud southern accents and leggings! Should have brought a rifle really.
May or may not be more pictures, the damp got into my camera, it still works but the display is on the blink. I've got a disposable film camera for backup.
The above sounds like I'm not having fun, i am. The bike is running well and the more rural A and b roads suit it well, I just need to be more aware of my choices of campsite. I should really have known what to expect staying somewhere with 150 pitches, near a seaside town during the school holidays. If i don't post again, it's because I'm in jail for taking someones tentpeg hammer off them and stuffing it where the sun does not shine... sideways.
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