Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Into London i go, armed with a not very good map for navigating such a densely packed town. Got more or less straight to Harrow on the Hill and found the plaque marking the site of the first automobile driver fatality.

Getting back out was fairly straightforward by riding until I found a sign for the M25 and following it but I landed up a fair bit away from where I started. As it happens, roadworks and such meant the Enfield was probably the fastest vehicle to go on.

I've camped on a much quieter, very scenic club site at Hartford for a bit of a wash up and suchlike (and to charge my laptop) because one of tomorrows landmarks is in a village too small to show up on my map.

Also popped up to Hunsdon to visit the airfield memorial which involved a bit of dirttracking to get to the site of the old runway. Nothing to say I couldn't go there and noone shouted at me so i think there is a presumed right of access there. Took a picture of the memorial plaque on the village hall for good measure.

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