Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Canoed 15 miles down the river Wye today in a 2 person open canoe! I'll be falling to bits tomorrow.

It's bucketed it down all day so I was thoroughly soaked by the time I got to Monmouth despite not falling in at all.

Got some new tyres on the Enfield.

I think my feeling about Ross on Wye has been justified. As I was changing the bike wheels in a carpark yesterday, one drunk bloke knocked another one down and gave him a kicking at the other end of the carpark. Despite there being loads of people there, I was the only one who seemed to be in any mood to make sure he was still alive and call an ambulance. Funny how folk are, an old guy lying unconcious on the ground and they didn't even stop to check he was still breathing.

All ok in the end though, they carted him off to hospital where I'm sure he'll at least get a feed and a clean up.

Possibly cycling tomorrow in the Forest of Dean if the rain holds off.

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